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Building sustainable value

Jara works at the intersection of sustainability, strategy and marketing to help businesses drive the net zero transition.


We help smaller sustainability-focused businesses to grow and bring critical new innovations successfully to market. 


We help bigger enterprises deliver on Scope 3 net zero commitments and future-proof earnings through purpose-led growth and shared value propositions. 



Our mission is to help impact-led businesses rapidly scale and globalise. We work with scale-ups that have passed key POC milestones and are now looking to accelerate demand and adoption. 

Our people have helped grow some of the world's biggest brands and we have adapted these skills to support challenger businesses achieve success on an international basis.  

We combine established business and research models with lean start-up iterative methodologies to design growth strategies and Go-To-Market plans that are robust yet agile and cost-effective.  

​Services we offer 

  • Research & opportunity analysis

  • Value proposition design

  • Customer journey mapping 

  • Persona development  

  • Demand modelling 

  • Go-to-market strategy 

  • Acquisition system design

  • Behaviour change and category creation

  • Brand & strategic positioning strategy



Purpose-to-Value (P2V) is our philosophy for helping established brands drive inclusive growth and build long-term resilience. 

Net Value (NV) is our model for helping businesses reimagine revenues in a net-zero economy, both in terms of defining business purpose and crucially operationalising that purpose through transitioning to circular business models. We use a blend of strategic ideation, design thinking and lean start-up to conceive value propositions that connect with rapidly shifting customer priorities, reduce impact and reuse critical raw material inputs.

​Services we offer 

  • Sustainable growth ideation canvas (net value model)

  • Value mapping & proposition design 

  • Circular business models 

  • Business purpose and thought-leadership strategy

  • Embedding ESG in strategic planning

  • Research & opportunity analysis

  • Behaviour change insights & concepts  



ESG has come to define how a company operates, rather than what it does. Jara attempts to re-balance this by putting the focus firmly on revenues, not costs. We do this by addressing two entrenched business challenges:

1. Lack of customer centricity

2. Lack of climate compatibility

Both issues stem from a tradition of not fully accounting for externalities and an over-reliance on short-term strategic planning. As we enter an era of low-growth, high-regulation and planetary limitations, business needs to undergo a post-industrial reformation. The winners will be those who stop waiting for a "level-playing-field" and recognise the business case for change is overwhelming. 


Jara takes a system-level approach to reimagining the future of demand.  Our solution is centred around the union of business value with customer value and ESG value. Using a unique approach built on the concept of "Net Customer Value" we help businesses align value chains with value propositions on the premise that customer value cannot be fully delivered without delivering ESG value as well. Crucially, we use innovative modelling and the latest science to expose vulnerabilities, validate ideas and demonstrate long-run resilience in the face of climate change. 


Jara is a hybrid consultancy / think tank, conceived to forge a new agenda for growth. While business has shown a huge willingness to engage in climate issues, meaningful change at scale remains elusive. No business can transition from established product lines and deeply integrated linear value chains overnight. Yet change is a pre-requiste for survival. Jara tries to initiate the transition through the power of original thinking. By triangulating deep insights in climate economics, customer needs and internal capabilities, we develop a basis for regenerative commerce. Only by exploring different futures today, we can begin to build the business propositions of tomorrow.



+44 (0) 1483 362761

Albion House

Chertsey Road 

Woking, GU21 6BD

United Kingdom

30 Moorgate,

London EC2R 6PJ

United Kingdom



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